[art installation with phographs, designed and formatted text printed on photo paper, and 2D animation video projection]



‘... proposes an alternative view of coexistence, this time framed within the European context. Mohíno refers to the construction of the socio-cultural identity of countries through jokes and images of walls that shape their character. The artist aims to highlight the difficulty of not only merging the identities of each state but also uniting them into a larger entity like the European Union. On the ground, the EU flag shows each nation dancing, oblivious to any sort of order.’

(Javier Hontoria)




1. Wall No. 11 - Italian Joke No. 9; photograph and designed and formatted text printed on photo paper2. English Joke No. 2 - Wall No. 8; designed and formatted text printed on photo paper and photograp
3. Wall No. 7 - Spanish Joke No. 13; photograph and designed and formatted text printed on photo paper4. Wall No. 3 - French Joke No. 1; photograph and designed and formatted text printed on photo paper
5. Untitled; 2D animation to My New House, 2002

          © 2024, Fran Mohíno