[mappings on scale models of buildings]
‘Look ahead because, as a voyeur, behind the windows no longer excites any story. Affection travels the wall, interrupted by those openings that once welcomed your curiosity, leading you into a closed, intimate space where people protected one another and washed clothes. A paradigm shift. Reconstructing the relational capacity of individuals, previously structured around two clearly delineated domains: private and public, each with exclusive, physical spaces. We must now accept that these spaces, overlapping, have become one. Oh, the comfort of thinking we carry something internal. Oh, an emotional space, where we remain crouched. Its walls no longer hold anything. Reality shows, social media, political slogans targeting the emotions of their followers... Affection has expanded. The concept of intimacy is obsolete.’

We Did It Again # 1, 2012; installation at Lighthouse - Casa de Luz, curated by Alfonso de la Torre, El Corte Inglés, Madrid, Spain.