[performance photography]
‘After dropping my son off at school, I lock myself in the studio. I don’t see anyone until everything is finished. My mood, my emotional tension or ease, will dictate what I do. I craft small sculptures, embedding miniatures of human limbs into lumps of clay, representing the people I crossed paths with that morning, whose brief encounters have shaped the emotional landscape I’m in. I choose one piece from X Numbers and hang it. The height at which I hang it must be perfect. The tension between the real world and those damn hybrid plant creatures from my imagination! I place the sculptures on the ground and write something around each one that helps me recall those fleeting moments of contact. I search for a frame to photograph myself naked in front of all of this. Stripped bare, I repeat a specific action over and over. An action that helps me dive deeper into those social moments. An action that lets me work through my emotions, return from where they took me. Maybe just an action that simply wears me out. A timer hooked up to the camera fires at intervals. One image should be enough.’

1 2

3 4

5 6

7 8

9 10

11 12

13 14

15 16
1. 20_12_08 X23, 2008; photograph, 113 cm x 80 cm
2. 03_12_08 X41, 2008; photograph, 113 cm x 80 cm
3. 22_01_09 X23, 2009; photograph, 113 cm x 80 cm
4. 14_10_08 X41, 2008; photograph, 113 cm x 80 cm
5. 23_09_08 X62, 2008; photograph, 113 cm x 80 cm
6. 07_09_08 X692, 2008; photograph, 113 cm x 80 cm
7. 21_11_08 X41, 2008; photograph, 113 cm x 80 cm
8. 15_11_08 X62, 2008; photograph, 113 cm x 80 cm
9. 17_10_08 X692, 2008; photograph, 113 cm x 80 cm
10. 09_01_09 X62, 2009; photograph, 113 cm x 80 cm
11. 08_10_08 X23, 2008; photograph, 113 cm x 80 cm
12. 18_12_08 X692, 2008; photograph, 113 cm x 80 cm
13. 02_09_08 X23, 2008; photograph, 113 cm x 80 cm
14. 14_01_09 X41, 2009; photograph, 113 cm x 80 cm
15. 15_09_08 X62, 2008; photograph, 113 cm x 80 cm
16. 11_11_08 X692, 2008; photograph, 113 cm x 80 cm
2. 03_12_08 X41, 2008; photograph, 113 cm x 80 cm
3. 22_01_09 X23, 2009; photograph, 113 cm x 80 cm
4. 14_10_08 X41, 2008; photograph, 113 cm x 80 cm
5. 23_09_08 X62, 2008; photograph, 113 cm x 80 cm
6. 07_09_08 X692, 2008; photograph, 113 cm x 80 cm
7. 21_11_08 X41, 2008; photograph, 113 cm x 80 cm
8. 15_11_08 X62, 2008; photograph, 113 cm x 80 cm
9. 17_10_08 X692, 2008; photograph, 113 cm x 80 cm
10. 09_01_09 X62, 2009; photograph, 113 cm x 80 cm
11. 08_10_08 X23, 2008; photograph, 113 cm x 80 cm
12. 18_12_08 X692, 2008; photograph, 113 cm x 80 cm
13. 02_09_08 X23, 2008; photograph, 113 cm x 80 cm
14. 14_01_09 X41, 2009; photograph, 113 cm x 80 cm
15. 15_09_08 X62, 2008; photograph, 113 cm x 80 cm
16. 11_11_08 X692, 2008; photograph, 113 cm x 80 cm